In Spite Of Covid-19, 143 "Freaks" Attends Xaddy Corvinus Trick Or Freakfest!


  1. It's funny how his name sounds a lot know what lol. This really is a matrix. Anyway, everyone isn't afraid of the "big boogeyman" that the lamestream media talks about 24/7. Systematic oppression & racism is the real monster that no one has ever done anything about.

  2. 230,000 deaths as of today and over 8 million reported cases here in the US alone. I know some people who got it but didn't die but are still suffering from some of the effects that the disease can have on you. Some get the message and some don't.

  3. @Anthony Davis - Fearmongering will make you a permanent slave to their draconian rules of you keep allowing them to strip your human privileges away under the guise of "safety". Besides, you're probably just some internet\government shill or troll. Where's your proof of all these people supposedly suffering & dieing? Autopsy reports, names, verifications please? Foh

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol I'm done seriously because the real Joke and only Joke is You and is the Best you can do is call me a 2 year old Prick ? Wow dude you have so hurt my feelings. Good night and Go jerk off because it sounds like you need to relieve some stress.

    1. @No, you're not "done". You are going to keep coming back for more because you love me so much. You obsessed sicko lol Matter fact, you're probably getting off to this. You sick freak.

  6. Anthony Davis is 100% correct. As someone who recovered from COVID19,was hospitalized on a ventilator, and damn near came close to death, there is no dick or bussy good enough for me to risk my life. I was lucky to have recovered by the grace of God, unfortunately many have not and even worse, many more out here carrying on like it's business as usual. If yall that damn horny and lonely, stay home and beat off. This COVID19 will only pass when EVERYONE starts taking it seriously!

    1. I'm glad that you're doing well and so Sorry to hear about your situation. I have people who actually died and I have people who were in the situation you're in. It's no Joke or a hoax.

    2. I'm glad you recovered and is still here with us. I know several people myself who caught the virus and unfortunately one died from it so it hits different for me. At the end of the day it's about practicing self care and being responsible.

  7. I know people who have suffered and died from this virus. Mind you they were young and healthy with no existing medical conditions.

    Does that make me a troll for sharing that info?

    I am not big on politics and I know the government is a bunch of liars and crooks but I also have witness with my own eyes what this virus has done to people close to me and my family. I will say this you can always agree to disagree and move on. The name calling and such is totally unnecessary.

  8. No. I know you are a real individual, not pushing propaganda. However, people do lie. Many have been deceived & are still being deceived. The government has been caught labeling non-"rona" fatalities as such even though the individual didn't specifically die from such. No one really knows what this thing really is except the power-hungry creatures who created this crisis. The other guy came at me disrespectful, sounding more like he wants to ruins the livelihood of individuals making their own decisions as oppose to simply disagreeing & moving on. Never agree to allowing a government to strip away your freedom to travel, connect with others etc regardless because at that point, they can make up anything then claim it's for your "safety". It's one thing to be cautious but it's another to just go along with whatever someone says just because they are a doctor or scientist or enforcer as if none of them lie or give false labels too for extra funding.


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