Ex on the Beach Darian Has A "Gay" Porn Past...

I am sure watch that show Ex On The Beach on MTV. Well if you recognize Darian Vanderbeck before you it's probably because you have seen him twice with his cousin in a porn flick.  Their names were listed as Tremaine & Terrance. Darian acknowledges his porn past but claimed he was "tricked" into doing porn films.


  1. okay!?! nigga kaboom, you know exactly what you was doing, i hate when they come up with false excuses like that, just be honest you needed the money and you did something strange for it, blam simple lol.

  2. That's the dumbest lie he could've made. He talked to the camera and he told the camera to record him but he said he was tricked in to doing porn? I saw this video a while ago. He should work on lying better too.

  3. Wanting "fame"...i'm sure he isn't the only one on a reality show that has a porn past...or even a porn future (if realitytv doesn't pan out). Chasing fame will find you in some strange situations.


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