Amateur Porn Star Team Dreads Sentenced To Ten Years In Prison!

 Just in case you were wondering what ever happen to Team Dreads, you might be sorely disappointed because as of late last year  your boy is serving hard time in prison!

Team Dreads aka Joseph Hawkins was sentenced on October 29 of last year for an aggravated assault charge stemming from an incident in 2015.

According to public records his sentence began on November 6th of last year. 

Hawkins will be eligible for release by July 28 2028.



  1. Wait a is he posting from his facebook page if he is currently "locked up"?

  2. I believe they have access to social media on the inside but dont quote me.

    1. Did u see what Knockout said about Breed It Raw on Twitter?

  3. I don't mean to laugh at another man's plight, but they gonna have fun with that ass tattoo in prison.

  4. Sorry to say many might follow in his footsteps. Youths these days just don’t know how to tone disb the ratchetry.

    1. Some situations are not about being ratchet. Some situations much like his are domestic, people protect themselves against another then hurt that person and receive years in jail because the other person presses charges after starting the altercation.


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